Sanders Simple System Flute
Utilizing state-of-the-art Computer Aided Design, advanced 3D printing technology, and modern Reductive Manufacturing, we have developed a revolutionary Simple System Flute. This high-quality instrument matches, and even potentially surpasses the performance of numerous traditional wooden flutes available in the market today at a significantly reduced cost.
Our flute boasts a classic brass tuning slide and a singular body structure which assists in generating a robust, steady tone along with a powerful bottom D. The bore comprises a complicated taper, a design that has matured over many years. Comparable to wood-made flutes, our instrument has a fairly substantial wall thickness that enhances the overall intonation and the tactile experience of holding it. This flute is ideal for traditional Irish musicians across all levels of proficiency and works brilliantly in trad. sessions.
Most Irish music is played in the keys of G or D major or the relative minor (E minor or A minor) which makes the flute ideally suited for this genre. The fingering is similar to a Classical or Boehm flute in that when all six holes are covered it plays a concert D. Lifting one finger at a time from the bottom gives a scale of D major. For classical flautists it's really just a case of getting used to F# being o the Right Hand forefinger. Then comes the fun of learning cuts, rolls and the 'feel' of Irish flute playing which can take a lifetime to perfect!

Our Simple system Hybrid flutes come with a 1 year warranty and cost £220 + Shipping. Please contact us and we'll arrange a PayPal invoice. Currently we have a 3 week waiting list.